How a significant loss can change your finances.

How a close friend/family member can completely change your financial situation.

4 min readOct 28, 2021
Photo by Guillaume de Germain on Unsplash

Loss can be hard. Real hard. Grief hits differently. I think its relation to personal finance doesn’t get talked about enough. So here it is.

Grief has power

People can use Grief in different ways. As shown in a video here a UFC fighter fights after his brother passed. He talks a little bit about pushing through the feelings. Another fighter, Khabib, morning his father after his father passed before the fight.

Loss can be a great motivator. It can be the thing that pushes you to take your carrier seriously. It can change into a more productive person. Make you hone in on your craft. Make you realise what matters and what doesn’t.

Saying all that, it can also do the opposite.

Where you need a lot of space and time. I get it. I was there too. I was lucky enough where I was able to take the time but there are a lot of people who can’t or won’t or don’t realise they need it.

Death can also completely change our focus. As Bradley Cooper explain here.

Grief has made millionaires and in some cases billionaires… but it has also broken people, it has…




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